better watched page notices
Karsten Wade
15 years ago
The only thing I really miss from our old wiki is that it would notify
you of a page change every single time, with an inline diff of the
changes as well as the change summary.

*sigh* I miss that.

I _know_ MediaWiki is a different culture and the page watching tools
work for that, but they don't work here. Fedora Project is a mailing
list/email culture - all of our tools that do stuff send reports out
via email (to lists, aliases, individuals, etc.) One of the most
important tools we use, the wiki, sends out truncated reports with too
little data that stop coming if you don't click through on the link.

I'm discouraged because I quickly fall behind on the pages I'm
watching, remain unsure of which ones are out there, etc. I'm sure I
could go to some config pages and reset my watched page count or
something, but my point is ... I don't want to go to any webpages for
this stuff.

I don't mind having to click-through on an edit to patrol it, that's a
fair task to do when patrolling edits.

Is there anything that we can do here?

Any tool to use or adopt?

Should I start my research again, or do our MediaWiki heads have some

Thanks - Karsten
name: Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team: Red Hat Community Architecture
uri: http://TheOpenSourceWay.org/wiki
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Ian Weller
15 years ago
I miss this feature too.

I once looked at the extension hooks that could be used when changes to
pages are made, but I wasn't able to find any variables that were able
to provide this functionality.

I will look again today -- 1.16 may provide some new shiny feature that
I don't know about, but even then we'd have to wait until Infrastructure
upgrades to RHEL 6 (we've decided to hold off on wiki upgrades until

Perhaps the alternative is a desktop application that downloads your
watchlist and shows you diffs.
Ian Weller <ian at ianweller.org>
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